Devlog #1

AHHH OKAY this isn’t a super duper major update or anything but good news!

- I figured out how to start a script and use ren’py (sort of not really)

- my scripting software has an ai built in that fixes my coding mistakes and shows me how to code choices background etc  (I LOVE IT ITS SAVED ME SO MUCH TIME)

- if you can’t tell by the image sins first sprite is finished !! (still working on emotions etc) but you’ll be seeing that throughout the demo (with minor changes to his design)

-i’m currently 71 lines of code in! the beginning that briefly explains the plot is done, along with the moving into daydreams scene! the choices that will get you locked into your desired route are ready

- I have figured out how the game will end (the full game)

- The demo will have about 4-6 endings (4 are implemented already but not completed)

- I honestly think the demo will be done by the end of april/ beginning of may so expect the download to be out then!

- again, I think that’s a pretty good amount of time for a literal high schooler who’s never taken any coding courses (who’s also working by themselves)

- I am not working in order with coding and artwork since i’m doing this by myself i’m flipping back and fourth (i hope i can figure out how to add backgrounds)

- The demo will also have PLENTY of CG’S, I plan to add around 4 for the characters , and then of course there’s gonna be a shit ton of actual backgrounds

- The demo is going to end off at the character dates, (THOSE WILL LOCK YOU INTO YOUR ENDINGS IN THE FULL GAME)

- I have also decided that sin and v’s endings are going to clash like crazy (due to oc lore LMFAO) which also will implement a “find an item or you get a bad end!” kind of feature (hint hint it’s in the new logo)

- This game does have adult themes, I am not an adult and don’t care who plays it but I will say now that the demo will have gore at the very beginning (1 ending) the rest of the demo will not, The full game on the other hand I intend to add a lot more 

- I also do not plan to make this game translated any time soon, I don’t know any other languages and this is meant to be a fun little project to keep me occupied (if someone decided to do a fan dub though that’d be perfectly fine)

- I’m debating making a discord server just so I can keep everything in track but again i’ve hardly let anyone know about this LMFAO

moving forward, I hope to have the next devlog out in less than a week with V’s sprite and beginning of the date scenes finished


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